Saturday, May 16, 2009


It was a long day.

8:00 am: Arrive at work full of zest, wit, and my general good nature. Computer work (GIS) ensues.

11:30 am: Go home for a delicious lunch. I am a culinary god.

12:15 pm: Leave for Central Point (near Medford) for another gravel mining meeting.

12:55 pm: Arrive in Central Point too late. No chance to get pre-meeting coffee. I play tiny violin.

1:00 pm: Meeting begins. Boredom skyrockets.

4:00 pm: Meeting ends. Time seems to have flown by... backwards. Ian dilly-dallies.

4:30 pm: Four of us cram into Ian's Toyota Tacoma and drive an hour and a half north to Roseburg for the Jefferson Society Fish Meeting.

6:00 pm: We arrive at the Chinese restaurant where the meeting is being held. The only Asian in the building is with us.

6:01 pm: I order a beer.

6:30 pm: Meeting begins. An Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife fish biologist gives a good talk about salmonids in the Umpqua River system while we eat "Chinese" food and drink beer.

8:30 pm: Meeting ends and a group of us head to McMenamins (a cool pub chain).

9:30 pm: We head south.

9:45 pm: I fall asleep in the car.

11:15 pm: We arrive in Central Point.

12:00 am (5.15.09): We arrive back at the ranger station.

8:00 am: Arrive at work full of zest, wit, and my general good nature.

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